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June 6th


Eternal Blaze

Changli is a counselor serving the Jinzhou Magistrate, and former Secretary-General in the capital. Shrouded in flames, she's fated to burn brightly until her final embers. With her fiery determination and strategic mindset, she rises to power, always thinking ahead to reach her ultimate goal.

  • HP iconHP
  • ATK iconATK
  • Crit. Rate iconCrit. Rate
  • Crit. DMG iconCrit. DMG
  • DEF iconDEF
  • Energy Regen iconEnergy Regen


  • Normal Attack

    Blazing Enlightment

    Basic Attack Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Fusion DMG . After releasing Basic Attack 4 , enter True Sight , lasting for 12s. Mid-air Attack Consume Stamina to perform up to 4 consecutive attacks in mid-air, dealing Fusion DMG . After releasing Mid-air Attack 4 , enter True Sight , lasting for 12s. Heavy Attack Hold Basic Attack on the ground to perform an upward strike at the cost of Stamina, dealing Fusion DMG . Use Basic Attack within a certain time to release Mid-Air Attack 3 . Mid-air Heavy Attack Shortly after holding Basic Attack in mid-air or using Basic Attack True Sight: Charge , use Basic Attack to perform a plunging attack at the cost of Stamina, dealing Fusion DMG . Use Basic Attack within a certain time to release Basic Attack 3 . Dodge Counter Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Fusion DMG .
  • Resonance Skill

    Tripartite Flames

    True Sight: Capture After releasing Resonance Skill , Changli dashes towards the enemy and enters True Sight , lasting for 12s. In the end, she releases a plunging attack, dealing Fusion DMG . True Sight: Capture has 2 initial charges and holds up to 2 charges in maximum. The number of charges is replenished by 1 every 12s. Can be cast in mid-air. Basic Attack: True Sight - Conquest When in True Sight , if Changli uses Ground Basic Attack , she releases True Sight: Conquest , dashing towards the enemy and dealing Fusion DMG , considered as Resonance Skill DMG. After releasing True Sight: Conquest , True Sight ends. Basic Attack: True Sight - Charge When in True Sight , if Changli jumps or uses Basic Attack in mid-air, she releases True Sight: Charge , dashing towards the enemy and dealing Fusion DMG , considered as Resonance Skill DMG. After releasing True Sight: Charge , True Sight ends.
  • Resonance Liberation

    Radiance of Fealty

    Deal Fusion DMG to nearby targets, obtaining 4 stacks of Enflamement, and entering Fiery Feather . Can be cast in mid-air. Fiery Feather When Changli releases Heavy Attack Flaming Sacrifice within 10s, her ATK is increased by 25%, after which Fiery Feather ends.
  • Inherent Skill

    Secret Strategist

    When Changli releases Basic Attack: True Sight - Conquest or Basic Attack: True Sight - Charge , for each stack of Enflamement, Changli's Fusion DMG Bonus is increased by 5%.
  • Inherent Skill

    Sweeping Force

    When Changli releases Heavy Attack Flaming Sacrifice or Resonance Liberation Radiance of Fealty , Changli's Fusion DMG Bonus is increased by 20%, and Changli ignores 15% of the target's DEF when dealing damage.
  • Intro Skill

    Obedience of Rules

    Changli appears in mid-air, attacks the target, and enters True Sight , lasting for 12s.
  • Forte Circuit

    Flaming Sacrifice

    Heavy Attack: Flaming Sacrifice When releasing Heavy Attack , if Changli carries 4 stacks of Enflamement, she consumes all stacks of Enflamement to cast Flaming Sacrifice , dealing Fusion DMG , considered as Resonance Skill DMG. While casting Flaming Sacrifice , Changli takes 40% less DMG. Enflamement Changli can hold up to 4 stacks of Enflamement. Changli obtains 1 stack of Enflamement for every Basic Attack: True Sight - Conquest on hit. Changli obtains 1 stack of Enflamement for every Basic Attack: True Sight - Charge on hit. Changli obtains 4 stacks of Enflamement for every Resonance Liberation Radiance of Fealty .
  • Inherent Skill

    Skillful Cooking

    Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking
  • Outro Skill

    Strategy of Duality

    The incoming Resonator has their Fusion DMG Amplified by 20% and Resonance Liberation DMG Amplified by 25% for 10s or until the Resonator is switched out.

Resonance Chains

  • Hidden Thoughts

    Resonance Skill Tripartite Flames and Heavy Attack Flaming Sacrifice increase Changli's DMG dealt by 10% and resistance to interruption.
  • Pursuit of Desires

    Enflamement increases Changli's Crit. Rate by 25% for 8s.
  • Learned Secrets

    Resonance Liberation Radiance of Fealty DMG is increased by 80%.
  • Polished Words

    After Intro Skill is cast, all team members' ATK is increased by 20% for 30s.
  • Sacrificed Gains

    Heavy Attack Flaming Sacrifice 's Multiplier is increased by 50% and its DMG dealt is increased by 50%.
  • Realized Plans

    Resonance Skill Tripartite Flames , Heavy Attack Flaming Sacrifice , and Resonance Liberation Radiance of Fealty ignore an additional 40% of the target's DEF when dealing damage.

Ascension Materials


Firmament Weiqi Manual

A battered weiqi manual, documenting the legendary games left by a peculiar visitor at Mt. Firmament. The pages have yellowed over the long years and dog-eared from countless readings. This manuscript once accompanied its owner through many perilous and lonely paths. Now it has been restored and rebound, with new pages added, ready to record new games. Now that the worthy opponent she has been seeking stands before her, another historic game to be remembered and studied for centuries shall take place. As long as the players remain, the pages will continue to be filled.

Flame-Soaked Cloth

A fabric of unknown material, soft to the touch and said to be fireproof. After being cleansed by flames, it becomes even cleaner and whiter, like freshly fallen snow. The plants required to weave this fabric went extinct during the Lament and are now almost impossible to obtain, making every remaining piece extremely precious. After the Appointment Ceremony, the new Magistrate of Jinzhou presented it as a gift to her esteemed teacher.

Blaze Feather

One of two feathers formed by Changli's flames. One of these feathers has been gifted to a distinguished guest of Jinzhou, while the other Changli keeps close to herself. It is seemingly weightless, as if it could burn forever. However, it never harms anyone who holds it, instead offering a comforting warmth, reflecting Changli's near impeccable mastery of her Forte. Like her robe, the feather is entirely made of flames. In bedtime stories once told to a young girl, a fire-born phoenix would bestow its most precious tail feather upon the person it held most dear.

Beneath the Whispers

People who visit the City Hall lately rarely see the legendary Counselor, Changli, as they would report. Although Counselor Changli never has been a public figure, as the most trusted aide to the Jinzhou Magistrate, she is known to everyone in Jinzhou. However, there are varied and strange restless rumors about her. It is said that Counselor Changli, during her time in the capital, proposed the renovation of the Shelter Homes across Huanglong to provide a better home for the refugees who lost their homes in the Lament's aftermath; she also pushed for the reduction of commercial taxes in Jinzhou and allocate food and funds to better relieve Jinzhou from the aftermaths of the Battle Beneath the Crescent. It is said that as soon as Counselor Changli arrived at the City Hall, she effortlessly resolved two bandit forces that had been entrenched around Jinzhou for a long time. Just a conversation and an "obvious trap" were enough to make the two forces suspicious of and fight each other until none was a threat anymore. It is said that Counselor Changli did not become a Counselor after the Sentinel chose the Jinzhou Magistrate, but she had long volunteered to come to Jinzhou, to teach the young Jinhsi, and to help her take over the power that was too heavy for a child. "Is that true? The version I heard said those were actions carried out by the previous Secretary-General, and she was only demoted to the border because she offended the power that was, right?" "Well, from what I heard, she became a direct disciple of Master Xuanmiao and was recommended by the previous Secretary-General. Her orations and debates throughout the realm have convinced all the great minds of our country. How could she be a flatterer?" "What are you talking about? I heard she is the descendant of a great hermit, and she came to Jinzhou because her family needs a voice in the power centers..." As people gossiped about her, Changli remained unfazed. When she passed by those whispering behind her back, her gaze gently but firmly silenced their words. Rumors spread like wildfire about the new Jinzhou Magistrate, chosen by the Sentinel. A young girl, seemingly not yet of age, held this powerful position. Some whispered that Changli had too much influence and sought to overthrow the current Magistrate before taking over herself. After the ceremony, Changli gave up power to Jinhsi and became her Counselor. In three years, life improved for everyone in Jinzhou, and they were grateful to the Magistrate. However, nobody knew how much Changli helped behind the scenes. Those who have met Changli all say that she always has a gentle smile, and treats everyone from generals to soldiers equally, but when she is alone, she always has a kind of awe-inspiring aura that turns potential visitors away. "Last time I met Counselor Changli at the Patrol Station, she seemed super interested in the courtyard trees, for some reason... I thought she had important duties to attend to, but she just spent a whole afternoon... watching ants..." "And then?" "Then a wanted suspect suddenly turned himself in! We were initially wary, thinking it was a trap. But when Counselor Changli appeared, the villain became visibly frightened and confessed everything, even old cases that were still unsolved. It was the biggest case of my career..." "What about Counselor Changli?" "She left at some point. We didn't even notice. Hmm, she really is an inscrutable person..."