Zhezhi fullbody img
element symbolelement symbol











December 31


Enchanted Brush

An artist for hire trying to make a living. Reserved and timid, she is not good with words but speaks volumes through her art, where her creations come alive with surreal realism.

  • HP iconHP
  • ATK iconATK
  • Crit. Rate iconCrit. Rate
  • Crit. DMG iconCrit. DMG
  • DEF iconDEF
  • Energy Regen iconEnergy Regen


  • Normal Attack

    Dimming Brush

    Basic Attack Perform up to 3 consecutive attacks, dealing Glacio DMG . Heavy Attack Consume STA to perform an attack, dealing Glacio DMG . Heavy Attack does not reset the Basic Attack cycle. Mid-air Attack Consume STA to perform up to 2 consecutive attacks while in mid-air, dealing Glacio DMG . Dodge Counter Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG .
  • Resonance Skill


    Press Deal Glacio DMG . If "Afflatus" is no less than 60, consume 60 "Afflatus" to summon Phatasmic Imprint - Left and Phatasmic Imprint - Right on the ground. Hold Deal Glacio DMG . If "Afflatus" is no less than 60, consume 60 "Afflatus" to summon Phatasmic Imprint - Left and Phatasmic Imprint - Right in the air. Press while in Mid-air Deal Glacio DMG . If "Afflatus" is no less than 60, consume 60 "Afflatus" to summon Phatasmic Imprint - Left and Phatasmic Imprint - Right in the air.
  • Resonance Liberation

    Living Canvas

    Summon Inklit Spirits for assistance. Inklit Spirit When the active Resonator deals DMG, an Inklit Spirit will be summoned to perform a Coordinated Attack, dealing Glacio DMG , considered as Basic Attack DMG. -In the 3s after DMG is dealt, 1 Inklit Spirit is summoned every second. This effect can be triggered 1 time every second. Damage dealt by Inklit Spirit will not trigger this effect. -Up to 1 Inklit Spirit can be summoned every second, and up to 21 in total. -This effect lasts for 30s, until max Inklit Spirits are summoned.
  • Inherent Skill

    Calligrapher's Touch

    When casting Resonance Skill Stroke of Genius or Resonance Skill Creation's Zenith , ATK is increased by 6% for 27s. This can be stacked up to 3 time(s).
  • Inherent Skill


    After Outro Skill is cast, restore 15 Resonance Energy to the incoming Resonator.
  • Intro Skill

    Radiant Ruin

    Attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG .
  • Forte Circuit

    Ink and Wash

    Phantasmic Imprint Up to 1 of each of Phantasmic Imprint - Left , Phantasmic Imprint - Middle , and Phantasmic Imprint - Right can exist at the same time, each lasting for 15s. Heavy Attack - Conjuration The 5 moves below consume STA to perform Conjuration to attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG . -Hold the Basic Attack button shortly after Basic Attack Stage 3 . -Press the Basic Attack button shortly after casting Resonance Skill Manifestation . -Hold the Basic Attack button shortly after casting Resonance Skill Stroke of Genius or Resonance Skill Creation's Zenith . -Hold the Basic Attack button while in mid-air. -Hold the Basic Attack button after a Dodge. If Zhezhi has at least 30 "Afflatus" when performing any of these, consume 30 "Afflatus" to summon Phantasmic Imprint - Middle . Resonance Skill - Stroke of Genius When a Phatasmic Imprint is nearby, the Resonance Skill is replaced with Stroke of Genius , which can be cast while in mid-air. When it is cast, Zhezhi will: -Blink to the location of the Phatasmic Imprint , remove it, and then summon a crane spirit to attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG , considered as Basic Attack DMG. Refresh the mid-air Dodge counter if the target Phatasmic Imprint is in mid-air. -Gain 1 stack of "Painter's Delight", lasting for 8s and stacking up to 2 times. Resonance Skill - Creation's Zenith When a Phantasmic Imprint is nearby and there are 2 stacks of "Painter's Delight", Stroke of Genius is replaced with Creation's Zenith , which can be cast while in mid-air. When it is cast, Zhezhi will: -Blink to the location of the Phantasmic Imprint , remove it, and then summon a crane spirit to attack the target, dealing greater Glacio DMG , considered as Basic Attack DMG, additionally increasing the Basic Attack DMG Bonus by 18% for 27s. Refresh the mid-air Dodge counter if the target Phatasmic Imprint is in mid-air. "Afflatus" Zhezhi can hold up to 90 "Afflatus". Normal Attacks grant "Afflatus". Intro Skill grants "Afflatus".
  • Inherent Skill

    Skillful Cooking

    Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking.
  • Outro Skill

    Carve and Draw

    The incoming Resonator has their Glacio DMG Amplified by 20% and Resonance Skill DMG Amplified by 25% for 14s or until they are switched out.

Resonance Chains

  • Brushwork's Finish

    When casting Resonance Skill Creation's Zenith , Resonance Energy is restored by 15 and Crit. Rate is increased by 10% for 27s.
  • Vivid Strokes

    Max Inklit Spirits summoned by Resonance Liberation Living Canvas increases by 6.
  • Reflection's Grace

    When Resonance Skill Manifestation , Resonance Skill Stroke of Genius , or Resonance Skill Creation's Zenith is cast, ATK increases by 15%, stacking up to 3 time(s) for 27s.
  • Hue's Spectrum

    When Resonance Liberation Living Canvas is cast, ATK of Resonators on the team increases by 20% for 30s.
  • Composition's Clue

    For every 3 Inklit Spirits summoned by Resonance Liberation Living Canvas , 1 extra Inklit Apparition is summoned to perform a Coordinated Attack, dealing DMG equal to 140% of Inklit Spirit's DMG, considered as Basic Attack DMG. This damage dealt will not further summon Inklit Apparition.
  • Infinite Legacy

    When Resonance Skill Stroke of Genius or Resonance Skill Creation's Zenith is cast, an extra Ivory Herald will be summoned to deal DMG equal to 120% of Resonance Skill Stroke of Genius ' DMG, considered as Basic Attack DMG.

Ascension Materials


Paintbrush Set

A set of paintbrushes Zhezhi purchased during her first solo shopping trip as a child, after fumbling for words in front of the shop owner. Wherever Zhezhi went, so did these paintbrushes, recording her artistic growth along the way. Though now too old and fragile to use, Zhezhi still regards them as a source of encouragement, handling them with great care.

Empty Birdcage

A luxurious birdcage left empty for a long time. As a reward for Zhezhi's obedience in using her Forte to paint and help save the family business, her parents bought her a pet bird as a surprise. Every day, Zhezhi watched the bird beat its wings against the cage until it was exhausted. After much hesitation, one day she boldly defied her parents and released the bird from its captivity. After her parents disappeared, Zhezhi sold off the family's remaining belongings, keeping only the birdcage as a memento. Whenever she looked at it, she didn't see the bars but the bird that had long since flown free.

Wish List

New desserts, art exhibit tickets, trips to new cities... Struggling to pay off her family's debt while barely making ends meet, Zhezhi took the habit of jotting down things she wanted to buy or do on a wish list. She often checks this list, but can only fulfill one or two of these smaller wishes on rare occasions when she has a bit of extra money.

Prized Possessions

The girl proudly presents her painting to her mother, eager to share her achievement. The woman, absorbed in selecting jewelry to wear, steals a fleeting glance at the artwork. "Impressive, Zhezhi," she murmurs with a brief smile. Delighted by the praise, the girl inches closer. "The people in this one are—" Her words falter as her mother turns, absorbed in wardrobe choices, oblivious to her daughter's attempt at connection. "Well done. Now, why don't you paint a few more before the guests arrive?" Zhezhi blinks, at a loss for words. Her mother grows impatient, sighing as she marches Zhezhi to the door. "Buy whatever supplies you need, dear. The price doesn't matter, we can afford it. Now, I need to dress. Be a good girl. Off you go.” As the door closes, Zhezhi stares at it, wanting to say more but unable to find the courage to voice the sinking feeling in her chest. Later that evening, Zhezhi, dressed to impress, nervously clutches her skirt in the corner seat, silent amidst the bustling room of guests. The woman notes Zhezhi's unease, the sight of it triggering memories of their family's past struggles and humble beginnings. She strides forward, taking Zhezhi's hand and leading her into the center of attention. "Didn't you know? Zhezhi was gifted from the day she was born. Her paintings were chosen for exhibitions even before we hired a tutor." With a painted smile, she mimics the grace of the upper class. "Would you care for a painting too? Zhezhi can finish one in a day." Zhezhi shrinks inwardly, wishing to disappear, only to be thrust forward. "Show everyone your skills, Zhezhi." All eyes turn to her, leaving Zhezhi trembling, unable to paint a single stroke. Later as the mansion falls silent, Zhezhi gathers her courage again. Holding the day's painting, she approaches her parents' bedroom door. Just before knocking, she overhears their conversation inside. "Did you know? That painting sold for 400,000 Credits today. With this money, we can fulfill the paused order." "Right. Are the guest paintings ready for this weekend?" "Not yet. Zhezhi mentioned wanting to go to the theater. That girl, always seeking diversions, never thinking about what's best for this family..." Zhezhi looks down at the happy family in the painting, her grip tightening until it crumples, distorting her mother and father's faces. "...I'm sorry."